Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mary "Polly" Norris Dickinson

                    I could not find much information about Mary "Polly" Norris Dickinson.   Her parents were wealthy land owners, and her husband was another wealthy land owner as well as "a major figure in colonial Delaware and Pennsylvania governments and during the early national period."  I am sorry for the lack of information on this noble lady.

                    Mary "Polly" Norris was the daughter of Isaac Norris II (1701-1766) and Sarah Logan Norris (1715-1744).  Isaac Norris was a former speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly and a powerful Quaker politician.  Sarah Logan Norris was the eldest daughter of William Penn's secretary, James Logan (1674-1751).

                    Mary Norris married John Dickinson, Jr. on July 19, 1770, and the couple set up housekeeping at Fairhill, the Norris estate near Germantown, Pennsylvania.  They became the parents of five children with only two daughters living past infancy:  Maria (1783-1860) and Sally (1771-1855).  Maria Dickinson must have married a relative because she married Albanus Logan (1783-1854), who was the son of George Logan and Deborah Norris Logan.

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