Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama Must Go

                    The cover of Newsweek Magazine has a picture of President Barack Obama with the headline for an article entitled "Hit the Road, Barack - Why We Need a New President" by Niall Ferguson.  The Daily Beast has either the same article or a supporting one here.   Ferguson, a professor of history at Harvard University, charges that Obama has broken his campaign promises to the American people and must be replaced.  This article is very interesting and presents a compelling case for why Obama must go.  
                    Ferguson concluded his article with the following paragraphs:  "The voters now face a stark choice.  They can let Barack Obama's rambling, solipsistic narrative continue until they find themselves living in some American version of Europe, with low growth, high unemployment, even higher debt - and real geopolitical decline.
                    "Or they can opt for real change:  the kind of change that will end four years of economic underperformance, stop the terrifying accumulation of debt, and reestablish a secure fiscal foundation for American national security…."

                    Americans still have a choice as to what kind of country we want to have; we may not have such a choice if Barack Obama is given another four years to trash our nation!  Obama has failed as a leader and must be voted out of office!


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