Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Attacks

                One or more terrorists attacked runners and spectators of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, by planting bombs near the finish line.   There were approximately 23,000 runners in the Boston Marathon this year, and nearly two-thirds of them had crossed the finish line before the explosion of two bombs near it.  The bombs exploded about 10 seconds and approximately 100 yards apart.  Several intact devices were later recovered by police.  The attacks killed three people and injured more than one hundred seventy (170).  Numerous victims lost limbs and/or suffered broken bones, ruptured eardrums, or pieces of shrapnel imbedded in their bodies. 

The fact that bombs were used testifies that this was an act of terrorism.  The fact that the “bombs” were made of pressure cookers filled with ball bearing, nails, and metal shards indicates that the goal was to kill and maim as many people as possible.  Explosives and shrapnel were put in 6-liter pressure cookers, hidden in black duffel bags and left on the ground.  [Will pressure cookers, ball bearings and/or nails become the next items that need to be registered or confiscated?]

A July 2010 intelligence report by the FBI and Homeland Security stated that similar pressure-cooker explosives have been used in Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan as well as during the attempted bombing at Times Square in May 2010.  No person or group has claimed responsibility for the Boston bombings, and there are no identified suspects.  Experts say that the size of the devices and the timing of the blasts suggest it was a domestic attack rather than one coordinated by al-Qaida.  The fact that al-Qaida is on the run is also another reason to not suspect the attacks were coordinated by the group.

Boston police officers, fire fighters, and other first defenders rushed to the scene.  Police asked for private photographs and gathered surveillance tapes from businesses in the area in order to obtain information.  Security was increased in many other areas of the nation and also reconsidered at other large recreational gatherings across the world.

April 15 is Tax Day, the day that Americans must pay their income taxes.  It is also known as Patriot’s Day, a day set apart to commemorate the opening shots of the American Revolution at Concord and Lexington in 1775.  Boston is a symbolic city for patriots, and Patriots Day is one of Boston’s biggest holidays.

How will Americans act or react to the latest terrorist attack, the most recent reality check?  One thing is to follow the example given by Mr. Fred Rogers and give credit to the first responders:  “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, `Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping.’”

We can become better people by listening to the counsel given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said, “When evil men plot, good men must plan.  When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind.  When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love.”

We can turn to Jesus Christ and send out prayers and positive thoughts to all the people who were affected by the terrible tragedy and stand firmly with Boston in their quest to overcome and conquer this tragedy.

We can determine that the terrorists will not win!  We can commit to the battle against terrorism without giving up more freedoms.  We can remember the many people who answered this terrorist attack with goodness.  We can remember the first responders who ran towards the explosion sites.  We can remember the people who were using yarn or whatever was available as tourniquets.  We can remember the spectators who offered jackets and other support to the runners who suddenly did not have a finish line to cross.  We can maintain our own humanity.  We can celebrate surviving and enduring against everything the terrorists throw our way.  We can remember that in our nation everyone is innocent until proven guilty.  We can think of ourselves as survivors rather as victims!

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