Sunday, April 27, 2014

Launch of the Constitutional System

                The topic of discussion for this Constitution Monday is the simple fact that April 30, 2014, marks the 225th anniversary of the day the U.S. Constitution was put into operation.  This was the date that George Washington became the first President to take the oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

                Craig Seibert published an interesting article at American Thinker about April 30th being a forgotten anniversary.  I want to use his article to remember the anniversary.

                "For instance, at 9:00 A.M. on Inauguration Day, church bells throughout New York City [then the seat of the national government] rang out calling the citizens to pray for the new government.  The papers of New York City stated it this way:

                “`[O]n the morning of the day on which our illustrious President will be invested with his office, the bells will ring at nine o’clock, when the people may go up to the house of God and in a solemn manner commit the new government, with its important train of consequences, to the holy protection and blessing of the Most High.  An early hour is prudently fixed for this peculiar act of devotion and … is designed wholly for prayer.’”

                Seibert’s article has much more interesting information.  I encourage you to read it and learn why this anniversary is so very important. 

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