Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Planned Parenthood Still

                Planned Parenthood is still much in the news despite the fact that the alphabet newscompanies (ABC, NBC, and CBS) have “censored” their coverage of the undercover videos put out by the Center for Medical Progress.  The three news companies have a combined total time of 1 minute and 13 seconds in showing the videos with audio.  The “videos depict Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal organs at the organization’s affiliates.  Planned Parenthood has denied profiting off the sale of fetal organs and called the videos `heavily edited.”  The unedited videos are available on the YouTube account of the Center for Medical Progress. 

                As the debate continues over the videos, “some [clinic workers] have also expressed ethical qualms over the notion that tissue donation might be used as a motivating factor to urge women who are on the fence about having an abortion to go through with the procedure.
This article contains “an interview between Live Action News, a pro-life group, and a woman named Nancy Tanner, a Virginia coordinator for Silent No More, an anti-abortion campaign.  The interview illustrates how Ms. Tanner had an abortion after being convinced to sign a tissue-donor card.  She now regrets signing the card as well as having the abortion.

                Crystal Willis-Blount was only fourteen years old when she was raped by a fellow student in an empty room at the high school and became pregnant.  She made two appointments to have an abortion but in the end chose life and adoption for her daughter.  She sees her daughter every year and is involved in her life.  The daughter is now ready to start her university education.

                While on her way to the second abortion appointment, Willis-Blount told her father to pull over.  “I felt like I had heard God tell me to take his hand and trust him whatever the outcome would be….  This wasn’t her [the baby’s] fault.  I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I wasn’t going to kill her.”

                Willis-Blount has two college degrees and is a public relations professional, a motivational speaker, and a pro-life activist. She said that “all life matters – no exceptions,” “we should never have the right to take another life,” and I don’t ever want anyone using my rape or my daughter to keep their loophole open.”  She also said, “Unborn children are being discriminated against.”

                Even though Congress voted against unfunding Planned Parenthood, several states – including Alabama, Arkansas,Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Utah – have defunded the organization and just over a dozen other states are investigating Planned Parenthood.  

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