Friday, October 9, 2015


                We can strengthen our children, families, communities, and nations by teaching proper principles about marriage.  We should teach them that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God and sacred.  We should teach them by word and example how to have a happy marriage.

                Maurine Proctor published an open letter to her daughter to share her thoughts and feelings as her daughter was about to marry.  Her article is titled “To Our Daughter about to Marry: 7 Ways to Happiness.” In her article she shares her thoughts on how her daughter can find happiness in marriage.

                Sister Proctor’s first way is to go to the temple and “kneel across the altar.”  “The altar in the temple at which you will kneel is profoundly significant.  It is an altar that symbolizes the great, atoning sacrifice of our Savior.  Why would the Lord have us sealed across this altar?  This is the great secret.”  She then answers her question.
                The second way to married happiness is to “create holy habits.”  “Couples create a culture together.  It is their own new world that they create….
                “From this moment onward, you will be the greatest influence in each other’s life.  Decide to become devoted disciples of Jesus Christ together.  Pray together morning and night…. Build into your very system this unshakeable habit of talking to the Lord together.
                “This comes with some really practical advice….”  Sister Proctor then shares some great advice.

                Sister Proctor’s third piece of advice is to “never underestimate your power for good in his life.”  “Though each of us are grand, eternal spirits, lit by God Himself, here on earth we are fragile, our view of ourselves constantly evolving.  We may rise and fall according to the reflection we see of ourselves in each other’s eyes.  You will have the greatest influence on how your new husband comes to see himself….”

                Counsel number four is to “be each other’s safe harbor.”  “Oh, the inexpressible comfort of having a safe harbor on earth, a place where in all your vulnerabilities and plainness and heartache there is shelter form the storm.  Sometimes those storms are outside and life is just too tough.  Sometimes those storms are inside and you keenly wish you were more….”

                Sister Proctor’s fifth piece of advice is to “be wise in dealing with differences.”  “When two people come together, it is more like two universes coming together with galaxies and whirling worlds, stars that have arisen and then sunk to darkness.  Each of you is huge, a collection of memories and things forgotten that still press upon your consciousness, and, what’s more, pre-mortal existences that you can’t remember but have shaped who you are.
                “Now you are seeking to become a union of one – which means you are bringing all of this enormity that is yourselves together.  In this, your planets may collide….”

                Advice number six is “watch for opportunities to serve each other.”  “You get to develop an eye for how to serve somebody else – namely that person you are pledged to love.  Watch for those opportunities because they come every day….”

                Sister Proctor’s final counsel is to “believe that things work out.”  “Some people think that as you get mature, you become less hopeful.  In reality, optimism is the gift of the spiritually mature.  It is because they have come to see how very much they can rely on the Lord to carry them.  They know that He is completely trustworthy….”

                We can teach the rising generation that marriage is a journey and not a destination.  We can teach them to stay on the train of marriage and experience the beautiful vistas together as well as help each other through the low points of the journey.  We can strengthen our families, communities, and nations by teaching proper principles about marriage to the rising generation.

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