Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Gratitude for Christ

                Before we move too far from Christmas, let us express gratitude for the Christmas season and the spirit of Christmas which softens hearts and spreads love.  We can continue to enjoy this wonderful spirit by turning to Jesus Christ and showing kindness and goodwill to all men.  “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

                President Gordon B. Hinckley stated, “I am grateful for Christmas.  I am grateful for the spirit of the day and grateful for the outreach that comes into our hearts at this season of the year when we think a little more kindly of one another, when there is a little less of bitterness, when there is a little less of hate, when there is more of love and more of a reaching out to those in trouble and need and distress.  I thank the Lord for Christmas” (“Gratitude for the Season,” Stand a Little Taller, p. 353).

                President Hinckley also said, “Brutality reigns where Christ is banished.  Kindness and forbearance govern where Christ is recognized and His teachings are followed” (“The Effect of Christ on Humankind,” Stand a Little Taller, p. 370).

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