Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Levels of Christmas

                Most of us are aware that Christmas is celebrated in several ways, but few of us even recognize them as levels of spirituality.  The first level is of course the Santa Clause level, and the second level is the Baby Jesus level.  Do you have any idea of what is in the third level?  The first level brings the excited of Christmas – Santa Clause, Christmas trees, stockings, and presents.  The second level brings in the story of the birth of the Savior of the world with all its sacredness.  Neither of these two levels will matter in a few weeks if we do not also celebrate on the third level.  Find out how to celebrate Christmas on the third level and make Christmas last all year long.

                John Bytheway, beloved author and speaker, shared the “Three Levels of Christmas” by William B. Smart (Messages for a Happier Life, [Deseret Book, 1989], 33-34) on Facebook.  I encourage you to read the article and apply it to your life.  

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