Sunday, January 24, 2016

March for Life

                For this Constitution Monday I wish to discuss the Right to Life.  January 22 was the forty-third anniversary of the day that the Supreme Court of the United States decided to legalize abortion.  On January 22, 1973, the Justices made the decisions (Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton) that “abortion would be legal and available on demand across the country.

                “These decisions defied the spirit and the letter of the Constitution; invalidated 50 state laws; denied the truth about the dignity of all human life and the humanity of the unborn; and ushered in the greatest human rights scandal of our time:  an abortion industry that has claimed the lives of more than 50 million of our brothers and sisters … and counting.”  

                One year later on January 22, 1974, the March for Life was born.  Every year on January 22 thousands of Americans go to the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., “celebrate life and to stand up for the truth about the unborn.”  The weather does not seem to matter.  The determination of the defenders of the unborn was shown this year when thousands of people braved “the storm of century” in the March for Life.

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