Tuesday, October 4, 2016

New Movie

                There is a new movie on the market that you might want to see before you vote in the presidential election in November. You may even want to take your “Undecided” family members and/or friends to it.

                John Zmirak says that “every voter in America really ought to see” the “fascinating new documentary, Clinton, Inc.” The movie is based on a book written by Daniel Halper and “is a cool, objective look at the rise of both Bill and Hillary Clinton. The producer of Clinton, Inc. is Doug Sain, who also produced 2016: Obama’s America.

                Zmirak states, “But this film doesn’t focus on ideology. In fact, it’s a movie you can take your liberal friends and family members to see. They’ll emerge from it deeply troubled about Hillary Clinton’s character and her fitness to be president.” He writes that the movie “consults biographers, former advisers …, psychologists, marital therapists, FBI agents, and progressive activists, to analyze the characters of both candidates and the changes they’ve undergone over the decades.”

                So, if you want to know more about Hillary and Bill Clinton, you might want to see this movie. It should answer the questions of many people. It might answer YOUR questions. 

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