Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Three More Days

                I have seen pictures that suggest that the Obama family has moved out of the White House. If it is true – I now question everything I hear and see, all I can say is YEAH! We have approximately three and a half days until Barack Obama is no longer the President of the United States. YEAH!

                I really do not care about the celebrations that take place at inauguration time. The parade and the balls could be cancelled with Donald Trump taking the oath of office inside the White House. I just want a new President. The current occupant of the Oval Office has been an embarrassment since he took office. Remember when he made his apology tour and bowed to foreign leaders? The President of the United States has no need to bow to anyone!

                In his last days and weeks in office as President, Barack Obama has simply made a fool of himself. From not standing with Israel against the UN to his last minute executive orders, Mr. Obama has proven himself to be more of a problem than a solution. His “legacy” is going downhill very fast. He is the laughing stock of the world.

                No matter what kind of President that Donald Trump turns out to be, it will be difficult for him to be worse than Barack Obama. At least Mr. Trump understands that leaders lead from the front and not behind. I did not think we could get a worse President than Jimmy Carter, but Mr. Obama proved me wrong.

                Right now I am concerned that Donald Trump and/or Mike Pence will be injured or killed before they even take office. Please pray for the United States of America and particularly for President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence. They will need all the help they can get and in many ways!

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