Friday, September 21, 2018

Prophet's Counsel on Teaching Children

            Families, communities, and nations are strengthened when parents teach their children to listen to the words of the prophets and to follow their counsel. A living prophet is the Lord’s mouthpiece on earth; therefore, he speaks for God. An Old Testament prophet named Amos said that God would do nothing until He speaks to His prophet: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

            If parents want counsel about teaching their children, they should listen to the prophet because He can tell them what God would like them to know. President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s living prophet today. He is also a father of 10, grandfather of 57, and great-grandfather of 119. It is easy to understand that he would have good counsel for parents in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, September 16, 2018. Here is the Prophet’s latest counsel for teaching the children. 

First and foremost, teach them what it really means when they sing, “I Am a Child of God.” God is their Heavenly Father, [and they are His children.]

Teach them about God’s Beloved Son, Jesus Christ [who] came into the world to do the will of His Father, because His Father sent Him.

[Teach them to understand] the significance of the sacrament [and that this is] The Church of Jesus Christ. It is His Church.

[Teach them] about prophets [and that God teaches His children through prophets].

[After bearing his testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon]: Read the Book of Mormon to these wonderful children. Read the Bible and other standard works to them. They will be better students in all of their subjects if they learn to read along with you.

[Teach children about the restoration of priesthood authority and] let your homes be sanctuaries of faith for these children.

[Children need correction from time to time.] That’s why they have parents. Please correct them quietly and privately.

Please help them to focus, even at an early age, on the blessings of the temple. … That is where they will receive their greatest blessings.

            President Nelson wants parents to teach their children that God is truly their Father in Heaven, that Jesus Christ loved them enough to give His life for them, that the sacrament service is sacred and has great meaning, that God speaks to His prophets and they speak to the people, that we have the words of Christ and many prophets in the scriptures, that the priesthood of God has been restored to earth, and that they can receive their greatest blessings in the temple of God. He also charged parents to correct their children privately and with loving kindness when correction is needed.

            Parents can be assured that President Nelson knows about teaching children as well as how much Heavenly Father loves little children. By following the above counsel from the Prophet, parents can strengthen their home, community, and nation.

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