Sunday, June 2, 2019

Capitalism vs. Socialism

            The topic of discussion for this Constitution Monday concerns the debate in the United States over socialism. Senator Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist list, and he teams up with freshmen Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). In spite of the fact that both Sanders and AOC come across as crazy, there are Americans who support them in their ideologies.

            A recent Gallup Poll says that 43% of Americans think socialism is a good thing for the United States. This number contrasts with the 51% of Americans who believe that socialism would be bad for the United States. The poll also states that Americans are split on the type of economy desired – free market or government controlled. 

            Lee Cary posted an article at Canada Free Press and said that he is not surprised at the findings of the poll. Then he cites a 1942 Roper/Fortune survey where 40% of Americans described socialism as a bad thing, 25% found it to be a good thing, and 34% did not have an opinion. 

No surprises there, except that in 1942 one-of-four Americans either didn’t attach socialism to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis), or took into consideration that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was fighting the Nazis.

The key words in the Gallup title are “some form of socialism.” It leaves much room for elaboration. By analogy, as cancer comes in many different forms, not all forms of socialism are alike.

One of the key questions Gallup posters asked was: “Would some form of socialism be a good thing or a bad thing for the country as a whole?”

Like a can of tuna with an expiration date of Aug 2005, it’s an out-of-date question. America already has “some form of socialism.” For example, we have Social Security, Medicare, and over 80 other federal welfare programs of various sizes and purposes.
Likewise, not all polls are equally accurate. We learned that’s true in the 2016 Presidential Election when Clinton was the projected winner, right up until she lost….

            The poll tells us that nearly half of the citizens of the United States – assuming that those polled were Americans and not illegal immigrants or other non-citizens – thinks that socialism – or government control of the economy – is better than capitalism. This tells me that indoctrination is taking place in our schools instead of teaching.

            Anyone who knows even a little bit about the difference between socialism and capitalism would flatly reject socialism. How can people be so blind when we have the example of Venezuela so prominently in the news? It is capitalism – not socialism – that made the United States the most powerful nation in the world!

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