Friday, June 19, 2020

Are Parents Capable of Home Schooling Their Children?

            Families, communities, and nations are strengthened when parents understand that they are the best teachers for their children. Some parents accept their parental responsibility to teach by home schooling their children. Many parents send their children to public schools, support their teachers, and oversee the learning that takes place. Fewer parents send their children to public schools and accept no responsibility for the education of their children. Even fewer parents do not seem to care if their children go to school at all.

            There are elites in our nation who do not believe that parents can supervise the education of their children and should not home school them. They accept the ability of university-educated parents to teach their children at home, but they believe that high school educated parents in the working class are not capable of doing so. It stands to reason that parents with less education would be less capable of home-schooling their children. 

According to Nicole Russell at The Daily Signal, Jeanne Dietsch, a state senator in New Hampshire, is one of elites in the group: “This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble.”

            Dietsch attacked “parental rights and education in America” and did so with a lot of elitism in her statement. This was not missed by Rep. Glenn Cordelli, a fellow legislator, who asked Dietsch: “Is it your belief that only well-educated parents can make proper decisions for what’s in the best interest of their children?” This is the way the Dietsch explained her views about the qualifications for parents:

In a democracy, and particularly in the United States, public education has been the means for people to move up to grater opportunities, for each generation to be able to succeed more than their parents have. My father didn’t graduate from high school, so it was really important that I went to college.

            Russell wrote that it is obvious that Dietsch made her legislative proposal based on her personal history, but it is presumptuous for a state senator to “know what is best for families across the state of New Hampshire…. It shows a misunderstanding of the role of family, not to mention demonstrates an elevated, starry-eyed view of public education.” Then she explained why she believes parents can home-school their own children.

For starters, plenty of Americans without a college education are intelligent problem-solvers and successful people. Often, they own their own businesses or are in blue-collar trades such as plumbing, electrical work, construction, and the like.

Of course, additional education – particularly in professions such as medicine and law, or certain businesses – can be necessary, but it’s not vital for every industry.

Not everyone is wired for a vocation that requires a Ph.D. To presume a parent couldn’t teach his child what is necessary to go to college or to thrive in a blue-collar field – jobs that are disappearing and in high demand – smacks of the sort of self-righteousness we have come to expect from too many politicians on the East Coast.

Although state public education is ideal for many families, it does not work for everyone. For some families, including those who travel a lot or are in the military – or, heck, look at kids in Hollywood – homeschool is best.

            Russell continued by saying, “Elected officials should applaud the many educational choices available to families today and help families become empowered to make the choices that are right for their children.” She explained that Dietsch’s remarks are “typical” for politicians who seek to “subvert the role of parents and replace them with the all-knowing state.” 

Most leftists believe that the state is more capable than parents, “especially when it comes to education.” Many parents, particularly conservative ones, do not trust the state to education – or indoctrinate – their children. The fact that civics and history are being taken out of schools or not being required tells a sad tale about public education. 

Parents who take their parenting responsibilities seriously are those who are involved in the education of their children. There are many principles and doctrines and much information that should be taught by parents whether their children go to public school or are home schooled. Wise parents will teach their children properly and thus strengthen their communities and nations.

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