Monday, December 13, 2021

How Did the Residents of Itajai Become VIPs?

            My VIPs for this week are the 220,517 residents of the Southern Brazilian city of Itajai. While elites in the United States refuse to allow Americans to use Ivermectin to fight against COVID-19, the residents of this city agreed to take the drug as a prophylaxis in a study about its effectiveness. The vaccines were not available to the Brazilians early in the pandemic, so they did what they could to prevent illness. 

            The study was citywide and took place between July and December 2020. The city offered a dose of 0.2mg/kg/day as an optional treatment for two days, once every fifteen days. There were 133,051 people who took the treatment with 87,466 who declined and were used for the control group. A pre-print report of the study gives the following information.

Ivermectin users were compared with the comorbidity-matched population of non-users for COVID-19 by age, sex, COVID-19 infection rate, and COVID-19 mortality rate. Results in terms of mortality were adjusted for all relevant variables and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was calculated. Results: A total of 220,517 subjects were included in the analysis; 133,051 (60.3%) ivermectin users and 87,466 (39.7%) non-users. COVID-19 infection occurred in 4,311 (3.2%) treated subjects, and 3,034 (3.5%) non-treated subjects. This evidence showed a 7% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate with use of ivermectin: COVID-19 infection rate ratio (Risk ratio (RR) of 0.93; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.89 – 0.98; p = 0.003). A total of 62 deaths (1.4% mortality rate) occurred among users and 79 deaths (2.6% mortality rate) among non-users, showing a 48% reduction in mortality rate (RR, 0,52; 95%CI, 0.37 – 0.72; p = 0.0001). Risk of dying from COVID-19 among ivermectin users was 45% lower than non-users (RR, 0.55; 95%CI, 0.40 – 0.77; p = 0.0004). Conclusion: Prophylactic use of ivermectin showed significantly reduced COVID-19 infection rate, mortality rate and chance of dying from COVID-19 on a calculated population-level analysis, which controlled for all relevant confounding variables.

(Emphasis added.)

            With results like the Brazilian study, one would expect American elites to recognize the value of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19. Not so! The drug Ivermectin no longer has a patent and is quite inexpensive. Therefore, there will not be as much benefit come to its manufacturers as for the vaccines. The almighty dollar speaks with a loud voice!

            The Epoch Times published a story about David DeLuca of Sicklerville, New Jersey, who sought permission to ask an out-of-state doctor to prescribe Ivermectin for his wife, Colleen, age 62. David asked New York attorney Ralph Lorigo for help because he could not find a New Jersey attorney who would do it. Lorigo declined and advised him to find an attorney in New Jersey. However, Colleen died of COVID-19 on October 10 before David could obtain legal assistance. 

            Colleen DeLuca is not the only COVID-19 patient to die because hospitals will not administer the drug. Lorigo has taken cases for the past eleven months to help families obtain “a court order to force hospitals to allow the drug to be administered.” According to Daniel Horowitz, Americans have difficulty accessing Ivermectin because: 

The shills for Big Pharma and the “Great Reset” who don’t want to see people survive this virus claim they don’t have enough data on ivermectin, despite dozens of studies and simple reality showing that it works better than anything they have suggested. They demand massive randomized controlled trials, but then refuse to fund any such expensive study. They refuse to follow up on positive signals with off-patent therapeutics the same way they blithely ignore negative signals from the vaccines and refuse to follow up with investigative studies. Well, Brazilian researchers just published something better than a randomized controlled trial. They did a study of reality.

            The residents of Itajai helped not only themselves, but they may have saved lives across the world. The Brazilian study was large enough and showed reliable results. Hopefully, we can bypass Big Pharma and their “shills” to get the relief that we need.

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