Monday, March 28, 2022

Who Is Bill Maher?

            My VIP for this week is Bill Maher, host of the “Real Time with Bill Maher.” There is not much I like about Maher – including his filthy language, but I appreciate the way that he can see things as they really – even things that go against the Democrat agenda.

Leftists have condemned men for their “toxic masculinity” for a number of years. However, Maher points out that it is masculine toxicity that is defending Ukraine. “If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the crisis in Ukraine, it’s that everyone loves, and the world still needs, grown-ass men.” 

In Maher’s words, “American women are obsessing over Zelenskyy” who has been “labeled as a ‘sex symbol’ earlier this month.” “Could it be that as much as women may want to create the perfect man there’s always going to be a little bit of toxic mixed in with our masculinity and no amount of training will turn us into your favorite ‘Twilight’ character.”

Masculinity is like coffee even when you decaffeinated, there’s still a little caffeine in there….

Now there’s certainly no denying that there has been a lot of toxicity associated with men throughout history, oceans of brutality, all of which is horrible, and some of which is why our species still exists on earth….

There are brave women fighting in Ukraine, but the images of people fleeing all seem to be women and children while every able-bodied man in Ukraine is sticking around to fight and maybe die….

It’s not always a great advantage being a man and toxic though we may be…. We do sometimes come in handy.

Turns out after 200,000 years, there’s still a lot of ‘Another tribe is coming to kill us.’ And when that happens, you want a little ____ energy….

When there’s a noise downstairs, someone has to go into the dark and most women still want a man to do it….

[Questioning the manliness of American men today, Maher continued] “it’s the result of having it drilled into us in recent years that masculinity is itself toxic and scary and unevolved….

            I saw masculinity and bravery in action one night at a restaurant with my son and his family. My back was to the door of the restaurant, so I did not see what was happening. I saw my son suddenly jump up and quickly move across the restaurant – along with several other men – to stop someone who was causing a problem. When questioned later, my son explained that his motivation was the safety of his wife and baby daughter.

            It is this same masculinity that is being seen in Ukraine. The men of Ukraine are standing between Putin and his Russian troops and their homeland. They are willing to fight to the death to protect their nation. I am grateful for Maher for his willingness to recognize that toxic masculinity is sometimes needed in our lives.

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