Monday, April 18, 2022

Who Is Neil Patel?

            My VIP for this week is Neil Patel. Patel is a co-founder of The Daily Caller (an online news outlet) and The Daily Caller News Foundation (a nonprofit that trains journalists, produces fact checks, and does investigative reporting. I did not choose him as VIP because of either of the news outlets. I chose him because he had the courage to outline the failures of the Biden administration. In his article on this topic, Patel lists the ways and events that historians will use to define the Biden failures. 

            Patel put Joe Biden at the top of his list. Historians will recognize as they study the Biden disaster “a president who is clearly just not up to the job” and “not up to the job.” Biden is a “weak president,” and Patel listed several reasons without designating a single cause.

Is Biden such a bad POTUS because of his age? Age alone cannot be the reason for Biden’s failure. Russell M. Nelson, the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is 97 years old and as energetic and alert as men 20 to 30 years his junior. Could Biden be suffering from cognitive decline? He shows numerous signs that Americans have seen in parents and grandparents as they declined cognitively. Could Biden just be unqualified? Definitely. He has been in the federal government for fifty years, but he has nothing to show for his time in the Senate, in the office of Vice President, or as President.

Americans do not want or deserve a weak POTUS, but we have one. Not only do we have a weak president, but we also have a less than qualified vice president and staff members who push Biden with their “rigid, left-wing ideology.” The lamestream media recognize Biden is weak and desperately “keep propping him up.” In spite of the media’s attempts, the polls show “Biden’s approval ratings are at all-time lows.” His low ratings reflect the dropping support from the “normally rock-solid Black and Hispanic base of the Democratic Party.”

The disaster in the Democrat Party does not mean that Republicans will definitely win. We all know that Republicans have a habit of turning a sure win into a loss. However, Independents and Democrats do not like what they are seeing from Democrats and are moving toward Republicans.

Most Americans are unhappy, and they are shocked at how fast America has fallen so far under the direction of the Biden administration. Patel mentions the divide in America that continues to widen as Biden and his administration move left. He also mentions how “Biden immediately dismantled many of former President Donald Trump’s border security policies.” We had a secure border with “policies that were working,” and Biden changed all the policies and left the border wide open. More than a million people have entered the United States with millions more heading toward our southern border.

According to Patel, Biden’s biggest problem is not the disaster at the border. His biggest liability is “the rising prices hammering the American people. Knowing the political price they are likely to pay for skyrocketing inflation, Team Biden is desperately trying to spin this away as the ‘Putin Price Hike,’ but Americans are not accepting their spin. Americans are not blind, and they see the prices of fuel and food going higher and higher. Bill Clinton won the presidency using the slogan “It’s the economy, Stupid,” so the Republicans can possibly pull out a win.

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