Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Have All Federal Government Agencies Been Corrupted?

            The FBI has persecuted former President Donald Trump for more than six years. The persecution began soon after Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States in 2015. Agents infiltrated the Trump campaign to spy on him, and they used a false dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton to obtain FISA warrants on Trump and his associates. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, approved by the Department of Justice, showed that the agency is still persecuting Trump. The FBI is corrupt, at least the leaders of the FBI are corrupt.

            We know that the Internal Revenue System (IRS) was corrupt under Lois Lerner when it was biased against conservative groups. Now, there is a new law authorizing the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents to make sure that Americans pay their taxes.

            The Department of Homeland Security is corrupt in that it has failed to enforce the laws to secure the border. Reports say that at least five million people have entered the United States illegally since Joe Biden became POTUS. America has been invaded, but Homeland Security does not even recognize it.

            Now we learn that another government agency may be corrupted. According to Hans von Spakovsky at The Heritage Foundation, the U.S. Census Bureau “significantly undercounted the populations” in conservative states and overcounted the populations in liberal states. 

… according to a post-2020 census survey, the U.S. Census Bureau significantly undercounted the population of Florida, as well as Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. At the same time, it overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state.

The 2020 errors were discovered when the Census Bureau interviewed a large number of households across the country and compared the answers it got to the original census responses in 2020. In addition to undercounting six states, the survey showed that the Bureau overcounted the population of Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island and Utah.

            This is a grave mistake because corrections cannot be made. According to Spakovsky, states cannot win even by taking the Census Bureau to court. “There is no remedy in the federal statutes governing the census and apportionment to correct this problem.” The fact is officials cannot go back to the fourteen affected states to do a recount because the number of people living in the state is different today than it was on April 1, 2020.

            The miscounting of the population will have grave consequences for ten years until the next census in 2030. The lower population number for Florida causes that state to lose two representatives in the Electoral College for at least two presidential elections. For ten years, Floridians will be underrepresented in Congress because they are missing two U.S. Representatives that they should have.

Texas will be without one representative in at least Electoral College votes and one representative in Congress for ten years. Meanwhile, Colorado, Rhode Island, and Minnesota will each have one extra representative in each Electoral College vote and one extra U.S. Representative for ten years. Those three votes moved from conservative states to liberal states can make a big difference in an unknown number of cases over a ten-year period of time.

In addition, Spakovsky said that “the overcounted states will be receiving a larger share of the over $1.5 trillion in federal funds that are distributed to the states over the next decade based on their states’ populations. And the undercounted states? They will be getting less funding than they should.”

The census errors cause problems for states in funding, Electoral College votes, and representation in Congress. Knowing of the counting problems should cause all Americans to have questions. The first question should be, what caused the mistaken population counts? We do not know if the miscounting was purely innocent because of inability to count correctly, or if it was fraudulent. However, we know that there was a big difference in the counting of the 2010 census and the 2020 census. Congress must do the necessary oversight work to discover the cause and to correct it.

By way of comparison, the survey the Census Bureau conducted after the 2010 census showed a statistically insignificant error rate of only 0.01%, which means the Bureau only missed counting 36,000 Americans. Quite a startling difference from the 2020 census….

            The government of the United States has become corrupted. I believe that a secret combination or multiple secret combinations control the U.S. government. These secret combinations are likely operating on a global basis. If America is to protect and preserve our Constitution and the American way of life, Americans must wake up to what is happening. If we lose freedom and liberty here, there is no other place to go.

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