Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Why Is America Living in the Dark?

Americans have been living in increasing darkness since Joe Biden was inaugurated. First, there was the controversy surrounding his election (selection?) that brought more questions than answers. Some of the questions were about the election process itself. Why did we see videos of containers of ballots being pulled out from under desks after election watchers were sent home due to a “water leak”? Why did election workers board up windows to prevent election watchers from doing their jobs? Why did we see videos of cargo trucks appearing to deliver pallets of ballets without any chain of custody? Why did machines stop counting ballots in swing states in the middle of the night?

When Americans protested about the election on January 6, they were caught up in what looks like a “fedsurrection” with federal officials dressed as Trump supporters encouraging protesters to go into the Capitol Building and Capitol Police giving them tours of the building. Then there was the Biden inauguration that was closed to the public basically because of the fences that were erected around the Capitol.

After discussing the above-mentioned reasons for the darkness in America, Allen Mashburn, candidate for lieutenant governor of South Carolina, wrote “Biden and his handlers promised to be the exact opposite of Donald Trump, and this may be their only campaign promise made good.” He continued: 

Three years on, we are in debt to the tune of over $100,000 per citizen. We have an open border where unvetted masses are storming in, more than 10,000 per day. We have well over 600,000 “gotaways” that have moved into our communities, many of whom are military-aged men.

As a candidate for lieutenant governor in North Carolina, I have met with quite a number of our county sheriffs and law enforcement. They are concerned. They realize the D.C. regime has set up the United States for an assault akin to what Israel experienced in October, and they aren’t prepared. The weakness from within the White House has made every state a border state.

How did we descend so far, so fast? It was planned.

You may wonder at the use of the word planned. Mashburn declared that it began with the COVID-19 pandemic given to America and the world by a lab in China. It continued with the billions of dollars printed for the Green New Deal in a law known as the “Inflation Reduction Act.” It continued with the allowance of a Chinese spy balloon to travel across the entire United States and over critical military facilities before being shot down over the Atlantic Ocean.

Mashburn continued by stating that the Biden regime is more loyal to the Chinese Communist Party than to the American people. Could Biden’s loyalty to China have anything to do with Hunter Biden’s business deals with China? Could the billions of dollars being sent to Ukraine have anything to do with money laundering being done in Ukraine?

Mashburn discussed how John Kerry wants to shut down every coal facility in America while China continues to build them. He also discussed the electric vehicle and governors inviting “foreign battery companies to build manufacturing plants in their states” to bring potentially thousands of jobs to their states. This sounds good until one realizes that people from blue states would flock to red states for jobs and change the demographics of a red state to a purple one. Besides, most of the materials to build the batteries would come from China, making our economy dependent on China.

All the while, China continues to build the Left-hated coal plants. “We are [subsidizing their operations, their coal plants, their economy” while Americans continued to struggle with unaffordable prices at the grocery store and gas station and high utility bills.

The ruling class’[s] love affair with China permeates the very fibers of our union, as Chinese organizations with ties to the Chinese Communist Party purchase U.S. farmland. According to reports, China or entities connected with the CCP own approximately 400,000 acres of farmland. This is only farmland, of course. China has a hand in hundreds of businesses and cultural organizations that seek to shape public opinion.

We have gone from a generation warning us of the evils of communism in the 1960s and ‘70s to now inviting communist influence inside our country. Incredible.

So in the last three years, we have seen food prices soar, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve depleted, and our military training and recruitment go woke and parade around as cross-dressers. We’ve gone from being energy-independent to being dependent on OPEC.

Mortgage interest rates, automobile prices, and building material costs have all skyrocketed. We’ve exuded weakness to the world instead of strength.

What’s the common denominator?

The Biden regime, which seems bent on destroying our republic. It has to go….

Mashburn agrees with millions of other Americans, that “we need Donald J. Trump to return to the Oval Office and repeat his famous line: ‘You’re fired!’” America cannot survive four additional years of a Biden administration – or a Biden-like administration. We need Trump back in office because he is the only person who has shown the willingness, the guts, and the spine to risk everything to destroy the power of the secret combinations that are controlling the government of the United States. If Americans do not wake up in 2024, it may be too late to save America!

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