Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Concealed Guns Save Lives

                Even though the lame stream media fails to publish information on concealed guns that save lives, the news gets out anyway. Three articles illustrate how good people with guns have saved lives in the past week.

                The first article tells of 29-year-old security guard who was on his way home from work early in the morning just a few days ago. He was accosted by four men who demanded his belongings. The victim was too slow in turning over his goods and was hit in the head with a baton. The victim pulled his legally concealed gun and shot one of the attackers. The other three men left as quickly as they could run.    
                The second article is about an incident that took place in Lyman, South Carolina, just a week after the worst mass murder in the nation’s history took place in Orlando, Florida. A gunman fired into a gathered crowd, hitting three people. He almost hit a fourth person, a man who was legally carrying a gun. The man fired back at the shooter in self-defense and stopped him with a shot to the leg. The shooter was charged with four counts of attempted murder, and the other man is a hero for stopping him.

                The third article is about an event that took place at a gas station in East Ridge, Tennessee. A man entered the gas station with a knife intending to steal cash and cigarettes. The robber took a female clerk hostage in his attempt to escape. A law-abiding man with a gun saw the robbery and returned to his truck to get his arm. He fired one shot at the robber, hitting him in the body. It was a risky shot because the suspect was still holding the victim when he was shot in the chest. The armed hero will not face charges.

                These three examples prove that concealed guns do save lives. Second Amendment rights must be protected in order for good people to continue to save lives.

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