Do you know what the Bilderberg Conference is? The name was familiar to me, but I couldn’t describe or explain it. When articles about this annual conference started to appear during the past week, I began to research it. I discovered that very people really know what it is and its purpose. The 2011 meeting took place over the past weekend of June 9-12 at the Suvretta House in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
According to, “The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg Conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 140 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military, and news media. The names of attendees are made available to the press, but the conferences are closed to the public and the media, and no press releases are issued.”
The name Bilderberg was used because the original meeting was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, located near Arnhem in the Netherlands, on May 29-31, 1954. The first conference took place under the initiation of Polish politician Jozef Retinger and other people who were “concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe.” They wanted to hold an “international conference” where European leaders could meet leaders from the United States to promote “Atlanticism – better understanding between the cultures of the United States and Western Europe to foster cooperation on political, economic, and defense issues….”
The original plan was to invite two attendees from each nation, one to represent the liberal point of view and one to represent the conservative. There were fifty attendees at the first conference from eleven Western European countries and eleven Americans.
That meeting was so successful that plans were made to hold annual conferences. A permanent steering committee was established as well as a permanent secretary. The steering committee is made up of two representatives from about eighteen countries.
According to a press release in 2008 from the “American Friends of Bilderberg,” the only activity of Bilderberg is “its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”
The meetings are considered to be “private” rather than “secret.” The hotels where the conferences are held are “inaccessible for any other guest for the full period of the conference” and are “hermetically sealed” and guarded by “private security staffs,” “local police,” and “secret services.” No journalists are allowed, and even government representatives are banished from the area if not invited. It appears that the area around the designated hotel becomes a “no-fly zone.”
According to, the attendees for the 2011 conference include representatives from Belgium (3), China (2), Denmark (3), Germany (5), Finland (4), France (6), Great Britain (9), Greece (4), Ireland (3), Italy (5), Canada (6), Netherlands (6), Norway (4), Austria (4), Portugal (3), Sweden (4), Switzerland (10), Spain (5), Turkey (4), USA (29), and international organizations (9).
Attendees at the conference included royalty, government officials, bank executives, professors, and corporate executives. Representatives from the USA include: Keith B. Alexander (Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency), Roger C. Altman (Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.), Jeff Bezos (Founder and CEO,, Timothy C. Collins (CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC), Martin S. Feldstein (George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University), Reid Hoffman (Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn), Chris R. Hughes (Co-Founder, Facebook), Kenneth M. Jacobs (Chairman and CEO, Lazard), James A. Johnson (Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC), Vernon F. Jordan, Jr. (Senior Managing Director, Lazared Freres and Company, LLC), John M. Keane (Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, U.S. Army, Retired), Henry A. Kissinger (Chairman, Kissinger Associated, Inc), Klaus Kleinfeld (Chairman and CEO, Alcoa), Henry R. Kravis, Roberts and Company), Marie Josee (Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc), Cheng Li (Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution), Craig J. Mundle (Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation), Peter R. Orszag (Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc), Richard N. Perle (Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research), David Rockefellere (Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank), Charlie Rose Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose), Robert E. Rubin (Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury), Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman, Google, Inc), James B. Steinberg (Deputy Secretary of State), Peter A. Thiel (Clarium Capital Management, LLC), Christine A. Varney (Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust), James W. Vaupel (Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research), Kevin Warsh (Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board), and James D. Wolfensohn (Chairman, Wolfensohn and Company, LLC). Some attendees request their names to be left off the roster. Rumor has it that Bill Gates and Hilary Clinton were also in attendance.
Some people think the Bilderberg Club is an innocent brainstorming session while others consider the Bilderberg Group to be a secret society that rules the world. Still others consider the Club to be a Zionist movement while still others think it has a Nazi basis. Neither left-leaning people nor right-leaning people appear to understand it.
An investigative reporter named Daniel Estulin, a self-appointed Bilderberg expert, has written two best-selling books on the subject – The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club. I have not read either book. According to, Estulin described the group as “a virtual spider web of interlocking financial, political, and industrial interests” with the goal of centralizing “global economic power to benefit corporations.”
The scriptures tell us that Satan inspires men to join together in groups to perform their works of darkness and has done so since the days of Cain. (See Moses 5:51.)
The prophet Helaman warned that secret bands worked to gain power, and they would use any means to achieve power and financial gain including robbery and murder. (See Helaman 2:8.) Throughout the entire Book of Mormon, there are warnings about secret combinations and examples of how such secret groups destroyed governments and entire nations.
The prophet Moroni taught that “the Lord worketh not in secret combinations” and that they are “among all people.” He also taught: “And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed….
“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; …
“For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations and countries….” (See Ether 8:19-25.)
I do not know if the Bilderberg Group is merely an “innocent brainstorming session” or if one world order is its purpose - which would put in under the category of “secret combination.” I do know that if it is evil, we must “root it out” of existence before it can destroy the world. This would be extremely difficult after more than fifty years. I also know that the conference has been well documented as being “secret” and well-guarded. I belief that it is important to our liberty that all patriots stay alert to this group and pray for the power of discernment to see it for whatever it is.
Will More Money Make Me Happier?
18 hours ago
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