Ann Lawler, an accomplished, respected, and handsome young woman, married George Ross, signer of the Declaration of Independence, on August 14, 1751. The marriage was considered "highly advantageous" to both parties. The couple settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and became parents of two sons and a daughter: George, James and Mary. Mary was described as beautiful and her children as being remarkable enough to attract attention.
Ann was the only child of Mary Lawler, a widow with "considerable property" in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who died in 1778. George was born in Newcastle, Delaware. His father was an Episcopalian clergyman who was married twice and had eleven children, all of whom became prominent members of society. George was well-educated by his father and then studied law with his brother John, who was a highly esteemed lawyer as well as a good friend of Benjamin Franklin.
George became very involved in public work. He was first elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly, and while serving there was also elected as a delegate to the General Congress. He served in public office "almost continuously" until his death on July 14, 1779. Ann died a few years previous to her husband.
Facts and quotes from Wives of the Signers: The women behind the Declaration of Independence, pp. 207-209.
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