Families, communities, and
nations are strengthened by good
parents. In this day and age where more and more couples are delaying
parenthood or rejecting it all together, there is a clear call for better
parenting skills. Social scientists have discovered that certain parenting
skills bring out the best in children, while certain other skills bring out the
worst. In fact, they have put all parents into four categories: authoritarian, permissive,
uninvolved, and authoritative.
The authoritarian parents use
coercion to convince children to obey, and there are many different types of
coercion. Authoritarian parents sometimes use emotional and psychological controls,
such as manipulation, shaming, mocking, or withdrawal of love. They can
sometimes use verbal controls, such as yelling or criticizing. They can also
use physical controls, such as spanking or forcing. Authoritarian parenting has
been linked to anti-social behavior, withdrawal from society, and delinquent behaviors
in children and teens.
The permissive parent overindulges
children or neglects to care for them. They consider their children to be equal
with adults in terms of rights but not in responsibilities. They tolerate bad behavior
and allow children to set their own parameters for such things as bedtime or
use of electronics. Children from such families tend to disrespect authority
figures and have more difficulty dealing with frustration. The children tend to
be socially well-adjusted but do less well academically. They also use drugs
and alcohol at higher rates and more likely to be sexually active. Permissive
parents neglect their God-given responsibility to teach their children.
The uninvolved or disengaged parent
is one that fails to do any type of parenting. They are just not there to help
their children.
The authoritative parent does the
best type of parenting. They establish an environment where children and teens
feel safe and connected. They establish reasonable rules and set consistent
limits for behavior. They help their children learn to regulate themselves.
Children from this type of family adjust better to school, less likely to get
involved in drugs, alcohol, or sexual problems, and more capable of using moral
reasoning. Authoritative parents make emotional connections with their children
by loving them. They teach them self-regulation by having family rules with
limits, and by allowing them to make choices appropriate for their ages. In
other words, authoritative parents help their children to become well-adjusted
and productive adults who ready to take their place in the world.
Studies show that authoritative
parenting is the best type of parenting. The rising generation deserves to be
reared in homes where they are loved and cared for as well as taught and
prepared. Good parenting skills will strengthen family, community, and nation.
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