Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do Leftists Shout for Democracy While Operating Through Coups?

The liberty principle for this Freedom Friday concerns coups being used by Leftists in politics. We hear Leftists shout for and fake fighting for “democracy,” but they operate behind the scenes through coups. Victor Davis Hanson discussed three Leftist coups taking place in the past four years as Democrats sought for and used power. 

Hanson’s first coup took place in March 2020 when “all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden.” It did not seem to matter that “Biden had lost the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada – and only won his first victory in South Carolina. It also did not seem to matter that Biden was already displaying “obvious symptoms of serious cognitive decline” that “seemed to mount through the 2020 campaign” and “dementia continued to accelerate during his first three years as president.” Biden and his family “enjoyed the ceremonial functions of the presidency.”

The second coup took place when former President Barack Obama and his family stayed in Washington, D.C., rather than going home to Chicago or elsewhere. The coup took place when the Biden administration outsourced “the real operations to former Obama administration officials, consultants, and advisers.” When the puppet master could no longer hold up the puppet (Biden), something needed to be done.

The third coup took place because “Polls revealed an impending Trump landslide victory in November – and a massive Democratic loss of Congress.” The Democrat “machine” of “party bosses, megadonors, and Obama puppeteers went into action for yet a third time.”

There are rumors that the “machine” threatened to take away all campaign funding and even “raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency. Biden was forced to suddenly withdraw from the presidential campaign and to endorse his Vice President Kamala Harris “as his surrogate on the ticket.”

In one moment, the choices of nearly 15 million Biden primary voters were vitiated. No delegates were consulted. No other alternative Democrat candidates were even considered.

Biden was dethroned; Harris was coronated – without much public input or even knowledge of how or why.

Democrat grandees stopped smearing Biden’s conservative critics, who had worried over his dementia. Instead, they now trumped opposition criticism of Biden’s decline.

Yet Biden most certainly did not resign his presidency. Instead, he promised to serve out his remaining six months in office.

So Democrat insiders not only removed their leading candidate, who for the prior six months had won all the 2024 primaries and almost all the delegates but insisted that Biden keep Democrats and himself in power – but only if he agreed to quit the race.

In other words and according to Hanson, a “cabal arbitrarily decided that Biden might well lose the Democrats the White House and the Congress.” Hanson continued, “So, they reversed course, now claiming his dementia was so acute as to destroy their prospects Nov. 5.” Even though Biden could not campaign well enough to win re-election, “his decline was not severe enough to imperil the American people” while he serves as President until January 20.

In addition, the machine chose Kamala Harris, a person who had not entered any primary and “never won a single delegate.” In addition, Harris “never captured a single delegate” when she ran for president in 2020.

Hanson claimed that the “same operators” ran all three coups. They used Biden until he became a liability. However, they insist that “he was still fit enough to keep the Left in power” until Harris can be inaugurated.

The most amazing fact of all the coups is that the very people conducting the coup “sanctimoniously lectured America that ‘democracy dies in darkness.’”

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