I have long been of the opinion that
anyone who chooses to live in the United States must be an American. We have too
many people living here who refuse to assimilate. There are people who fly the
flags of other nations, people who claim they are offended by the American
flag, people who refuse to learn English. There are simply too many hyphenated Americans,
and too many people who want to change the laws of the nation.
I am no fan of Theodore Roosevelt
because I have studied little about him and do not know much about his policies.
However, I do agree with his ideas on the assimilation of immigrants into the
American culture.
While serving as the governor of New
York, Theodore Roosevelt was selected as the Republican candidate for vice
president in the presidential election of 1900. Roosevelt served as vice
president for less than a year when President William McKinley was assassinated
on September 14, 1901. Roosevelt was elevated to the office of president and
was elected to the office in 1904. He was chosen as a Nobel Peace Prize
Laureate for his negotiations leading to the Treaty of Portsmouth and the end
of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.
Roosevelt left office in 1909 but
remained active in politics into the last years of his life. During World War I
Roosevelt often expressed his belief that immigrants to American should
assimilate into American society as quickly as possible. In fact, he believed
that Americans should insist that the immigrants learn the English language,
express their allegiance to the United States of America, and drop any
hyphenated national identities, such as Italian-American, German-American, or
Japanese-American. He said that any immigrant that refused to learn the English
language should be sent back to their nation of origin.
Roosevelt not only believed that
immigrants should assimilate as quickly as possible to the American society,
but that every immigrant who assimilates should be treated with equality. He
believed that any immigrant that was more loyal to a foreign nation than the
United States committed “moral treason” to the United States.
In a speech given in February 1916,
Roosevelt uses the motto “America for Americans” and means the
term to include those who were born American as well as those who were born
elsewhere but became American.
[He declared] the salvation of our
people lies in having a nationalized and unified America, ready for the
tremendous tasks of both war and peace.
I appeal to all our citizens, no matter
from what land their forefathers came, to keep this ever in mind, and to shun
with scorn and contempt the sinister intriguers and mischiefmakers who would
seek to divide them along lines of creed, or birthplace or of national origin.
The former president is adamant
about the need for the nation to be unified. He insists that all the hyphens
need to be dropped in order to overcome the divide within the nation.
The effort to keep our citizenship
divided against itself by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of national
origin is certain to a breed of spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike
between great bodies of our citizens. If some citizens band together as
German-Americans or Irish-Americans, then after a while others are certain to
band together as English-Americans or Scandinavian-Americans, and every such
banding together, every attempt to make for political purposes a
German-American alliance or a Scandinavian-American alliance, means down at the
bottom an effort against the interest of straight-out American citizenship, an
effort to bring into our nation the bitter Old World rivalries and jealousies
and hatreds.
In a speech on Independence Day in
1917, Roosevelt spoke on the importance of having unity in language. He even
went so far as to urge that any foreign-language newspapers published in the
U.S. should include English translations. “We must have in this country but one
flag, and for the speech of the people but one language, the English language.”
Roosevelt obviously felt strongly
that there should be one language spoken in the U.S. because he spoke on the
subject again in May 1918. “This is a nation – not a polyglot boarding house.
There is not room in the country for any 50-50 American, nor can there be but
one loyalty – to the Stars and Stripes.”
A few months after the Armistice of
World War I and shortly before his death in January 1919, Roosevelt left his
final words on this topic. Even though he could not attend, his statement was
read at an “All-American concert.”
I cannot be with you and so all I can do
is to wish you Godspeed. There may be no sagging back in the fight for
Americanism merely because the war is over.
There are plenty of persons who have
already made the assertion that they believe the American people have a short
memory and that they intend to revive all the foreign associations which more
directly interfere with the complete Americanization of our people. Our
principle in this matter should be absolutely simple.
In the first place we should insist that
if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and
assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with every
one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of
creed or birthplace or origin. But this
is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but
an American. (Emphasis added.)
If he tries to keep segregated with men
of his own origin and separated from the rest of American, then he isn’t doing
his part as an American.
We have room for but one flag, the
American flag…. We have room for but one language here and that is the English
language…. And we have room for but one soul [sic] loyalty, and that is loyalty
to the American people.
It seems to me that Roosevelt was
concerned that immigrants from Germany and Italy would not assimilate but would
cause divisions in the United States. Today we are seeing some of the very
divisions of which he spoke, but they are coming from different areas. We
seldom hear about German-Americans or Italian-Americans, but we hear a lot
about African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. We see much division because of
their unwillingness to assimilate and become true Americans. We do not see too
many people carrying flags from European nations, but we often see people
carrying flags of Mexico. I agree that we have room for only one flag – the flag
of the United States of America.
Roosevelt was also right on the
money about the need for one language. The Census Report of 2015 reports that there are at least 350 different languages spoken in the United States.
Many of these languages are spoken only in the home, but more and more people
are using foreign languages in places of business.
There is no official language in the
United States even though the debate about an official language has been around
for many years. English is the unofficial language of the U.S. because the vast
majority of the people living here speak English. Even though the federal
government has not declared English to be the official language, 31 states have
done so. Alaska is not one of those states due to the fact that there are so
many Alaska Natives who speak only their native languages. However, I believe
that the state and federal governments could save a lot of money by declaring
English to be the official language and by conducting governmental business
only in English.
In order for true unity to come to
the United States, I believe that we must follow the counsel of Roosevelt. We
must eliminate all references to hyphenated Americans because we are either
American or not – no “50-50 Americans.” We must also insist that immigrants
assimilate by encouraging them to learn the language of the United States –
English, accept the Constitution and laws of American, and fly the flag of
America. We must insist that America is for Americans – no matter the country
of origin, race, or religion.
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