Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Is Wokeness Dying?

The liberty principle for this Freedom Friday concerns the possible demise of wokeness. According to the Blaze TV Staff, the “woke agenda is finally starting to fail in Washington, D.C.” Noelle Mering, author and fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy was interviewed by Jill Savage and Matthew Peterson of “Blaze News Tonight” and said the following. 

“I think that we’re experiencing a real transition now with the woke movement. Not in defeat, we need to be cautious but also optimistic. But there’s a lot of people who have broken through the spell of the woke possession” ….

“I think what’s happening is it’s an inversion of reality. It’s been telling us for years everything that’s good for us is actually really bad for us. You know, like your faith is bad for you, your family is bad for you, marriage is bad for you,” she continues….

“What’s transgressive today is going to be boring tomorrow. And you can’t keep pushing the envelope further and further, trying to make a king of your own pleasure,” she explains. “It’s a bit like coming out of a narcissistic personality spell where you’ve been distrustful of your own ability to perceive what’s true.”

“You’ve been manipulated, and once you realize it, you really can’t unsee it any longer,” she continues. “So I think that’s a good source of optimism for us now.”

“I mean, it’s almost as if you’re saying people are awakening, right? I mean this is happening, is that right?” Peterson asks.

“Far more awake than we were a few years ago. I see a real, major sea change of the last couple years, and certainly with the election that is an incredible victory,” she answers, adding, “But, you know, the movement does not take its ball and go home. Real ideologues are power-hungry, and they just reinvent themselves.”

So, wokeness may be down and struggling, but we should not count it out. Those with wokeness syndrome have a lot of power, and power-hungry people do not give it up easily. We must stay alert, but we can hope that wokeness will die soon.

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