Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Will Republican Congress Fund Removable of 20,000 Illegal Aliens?

What will it take to deport the 20 million illegal aliens allowed into the United States by the Biden administration? According to Tom Gantert at The Daily Signal, Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, gave the following numbers in an op-ed published Monday in Fox News: “12,000 more agents, 4,000 more attorneys, 1,000 more judges, and 1,000 more support staff” and funding on a “historic scale.” 

“Americans need our leaders to act with the urgency that this moment demands. The safety and security of Americans must be placed first,” Roberts wrote. “The number one priority for Congress right now must be to ensure that every illegal alien who has invaded our country is detained and deported or leaves quickly on their own accord.”

Tom Homan and ICE agents, supported by Marines and other military offices as well as other federal agents have already deported several thousand illegal aliens in the first week of the second Trump term. The Air Force is assisting in removing them by hauling them out in cargo planes. However, with 20 million illegal aliens to remove from the United States, a few thousand are just a drop in the bucket.

Roberts wants Congress to “act swiftly in allocating funds for the “largest deportation operation in American history.” He recognized that the budget reconciliation process is a good way to deliver quick results. He “even advocated a new law requiring money transfer services to demand proof of legal status or face a 50% tax on any outgoing transfers.” Such money could be used to fund “enhanced deportation operations. 

Another sure way to cut down on the number of people entering the United States illegally is to “prevent aliens from accessing America’s welfare benefits.” He accused Republicans in Congress as loving “to beat the drum for border security and mass deportation” when it brought in money on the campaign trail. Now, they need to put America and Americans first.

In a Monday appearance on “The Will Cain Podcast,” Roberts shared an experience when he was chided for using the word invasion to describe the hordes of people crossing into the United States illegally. He did not mince words in showing how he felt about it.

“Somehow, we can’t call a spade a spade,” Roberts said. “All of these Americans in these thousands of communities that have been upended by these illegal aliens, some of them  committing horrific murders … that somehow, we have to be careful about what we call them and we can’t call it an invasion because it “quote-unquote degrades language.”

Roberts said Trump’s genius was calling it like it is.

“Ultimately, what we have arrived at, as Trump said a week ago today … is a revolution of common sense,” Roberts said.

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