my Come Follow Me studies this week, I studied the experience of Joseph Smith
when he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I was asked to speak in sacrament
meeting tomorrow about the First Vision, and I feel prompted to share this
draft of my talk with my readers.
mother died on May 5, 1979, nearly 46 years ago when I was only 34 years old.
My family and I were living in the Anchorage Sixth Ward in the Jewel Lake area
at that time. Her death had an interesting effect on me that I can only explain
in this way: I felt like a young child who had lost their security blanket.
took my four small children (ages 7 years to 17 months) and traveled to Salt
Lake City for my mother’s funeral. I gained comfort and strength by being with
my father and eleven siblings, but my siblings went home or back to their lives
once the funeral was over. I stayed with my father for another week or so
before traveling back to Alaska.
was still deep in my grief and fighting depression when I attended sacrament meeting
on my first Sunday back in Alaska. My family and I were sitting on the back row
of the center section of pews in the Brayton building, and I was doing okay
until we started to sing the closing hymn.
sang, “Sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! That
calls me from a world of care
And bids me at my Father’s throne Make all my wants and wishes known.” (“Sweet
Hour of Prayer,” Hymns, 142).
That was as far as I could go in singing that hymn because I
started to cry. At that time the Holy Ghost taught me a lesson in a language
that I could understand. When I sang “And bids me at my Father’s throne Make
all my wants and wishes known,” my mind went back to those days following my
mother’s death, particularly the last evening that we were all together.
Soon after her death, my father had a dream about my mother
standing by a gate waiting for him, and he assumed that he would soon follow
her in death. Therefore, he decided to give away everything in the house except
those things that he would need for his daily life. This meant that he was
giving away everything that belonged to my mother, any extra furniture, any
family heirlooms, and such. In reality, my father lived another 16 years, but
he did not yet know how long his life would be.
Dad wanted each of his children to make a list of those items that
we would like to have and then give the lists to him. So, we each went around
the house, made our lists, and handed them to Dad. As it turned out, most of us
had some of the same things on our lists. Dad took the lists and studied them
to make his decisions.
We met together with Dad on that last evening before everyone went
their separate ways. I can still picture him sitting in his living room with
his twelve children surrounding him – granting as many of our wishes and wants
as he could.
That picture came back to me during that sacrament meeting on that
first Sunday back in Alaska. The message that came from the Holy Ghost at the
same time is that my Heavenly Father loves me even more than my earthly father
loves me. This heavenly message took only a few seconds to be delivered, but
its impact on my life was huge.
I had previously known with my mind that Heavenly Father loves me.
I had sung “I Am a Child of God” from the time that I was a Primary child.
However, this message of love sunk deep into my heart, and I knew with every
fiber of my being that Heavenly Father loves me. I knew that I was no longer
alone because Heavenly Father loves me. Although I continued to mourn for my
mother, I also grew stronger with each day. Where I had previously been battling
depression, I could see sunshine again in my life.
I am sharing this story with you because the Holy Ghost brought it
back to my mind early one morning about 10 days ago as I studied the scriptures,
and He indicated that I should start this talk with it.
The message from God that came to me 46 years ago had such an
impact on my life that it still brings tears to my eyes whenever I think about
it. If those few seconds of the presence of the Holy Ghost had such a huge
impact on my life, imagine the impact that the First Vision had on
fourteen-year-old Joseph Smith.
Joseph saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They knew his name,
and They spoke to him in a language that he could understand. They answered his
questions and gave him other information. The impact on him was so strong that
it changed his life, and it changed the lives of millions of other people.
So what are the lessons to be learned from the First Vision of
Joseph Smith. Here are some of them as found in Joseph Smith – History 1:15-20.
1. Satan is real, he is powerful, he works in darkness, and he
opposes the work of God. Joseph wrote that an unseen being bound his tongue so
he could not speak. Darkness surrounded him, and he thought that he would be
destroyed. Satan tried to stop the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ at
its very beginning, and he will do everything in his power to stop its
restoration in our lives.
2. The power of Satan can be overcome through prayer. Joseph
exerted all his power to call upon God for help, and God delivered him from the
power of Satan. Like Joseph, prayer can deliver us from the power of Satan.
Brigham Young taught, “If we do not feel like [praying], we should pray till we
do” (DBY, 44).
3. The light and glory emanating from Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ dispelled the darkness and delivered Joseph Smith from the enemy who
held him bound. The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ can bring answers to our
questions and solutions to our problems - questions and problems that keep us
from gaining or strengthening our testimonies and conversions.
4. Joseph Smith “saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory
defy all description.” They were standing in the air above him. One of them
called Joseph by name, pointed to the other one, and said, “This is My Beloved
Son. Hear Him!”
The First Vision showed Joseph Smith that God the Father and His
Son Jesus Christ were two separate Beings – something that was the exact
opposite of what was being taught in the churches of his day. The Nicene Creed
states: “We believe in one God in three Persons. We do not believe in three
gods.” The Nicene Creed:
Explained! - Catholic-Link Even today, people claim
that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not real
Christians because we believe in a different kind of Jesus.
On April 2, 1843, at Ramus, Illinois, Joseph Smith gave some
“Items of instruction,” and these instructions now comprise D&C 130. In
verse 22, Joseph taught the following:
22 The Father
has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy
Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it
not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.
Joseph used the word tangible instead of physical.
Tangible is defined as “perceptible by touch.” We know that there are
physical things, such as wind, that cannot be touched – although it sometimes
touches us in powerful ways.
As far as I know, we do not know how Joseph Smith received this
knowledge about tangible bodies. Did he learn it during the First Vision or
later? He said that the two Personages stood above him in the air. Did they
stay in the air, or did they come down to touch him? We do not know, but we
accept that both the Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and
bones, while the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit.
5. We learn that all the churches on earth at that time were
wrong. They had a form of godliness, but they did not have proper authority
from Jesus Christ.
6. We learn that Jesus Christ shared “many other things” that
Joseph could not write at that time.
In the Lectures on Faith, we are taught that there are three
things that are necessary for any of us to exercise enough faith in God to obtain
salvation. The three things are: (1) the idea that God actually exists, (2) a
correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes, and (3) an actual
knowledge that our life – the way we are living -- is acceptable to God.
When God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph
Smith, They showed him that his life was acceptable to Them. We do not need to
have visits from the Father and/or the Son to know that our lives are
acceptable to Them. In the section of the Come Follow Me manual titled
“Conversion Is Our Goal,” the last paragraph states the following:
… We should seek after whatever invites the influence of the
Spirit and reject whatever drives that influence away—for we know that if we
can be worthy of the presence of the Holy Ghost, we can also be worthy to live
in the presence of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
I hope and pray that we will each seek the presence of the Holy
Ghost in our lives that we may know of our acceptance to Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ. I know that They love us, and I know this with every fiber of my