Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Should Mary Peltola Be Re-Elected?

The topic of discussion for this Constitution Monday is that elected representatives should represent the views of their constituents. The Constitution of the United States outlines how leaders are chosen for the federal government. Members of the House of Representatives are chosen by the people in their districts to represent them in Congress. They must run for election every two years to give the people of their district an opportunity to re-elect them or to fire them. Representatives have the two-year election cycle to make sure that they represent the views of the people in their district.

Alaska is about two-thirds Republicans and one-third Democrat, so it is a mystery how Mary Peltola, a Democrat, was ever elected to representative mostly conservative Alaska. The only reason for her election is the dastardly ranked choice voting that will hopefully be voted out this year – along with Peltola being voted out of office.

Many Alaskans are against the re-election of Peltola, and they have received help from Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell who published an article about Peltola in The Daily Signal. I learned much from the article, so I am doing what I can to see that it is distributed widely in Alaska. Here is part of what Mitchell shared in her article. 

A member of Congress from Alaska voted against a bill allowing parents to access the curriculum at their children’s school while accepting thousands from groups that support schools hiding gender identity from parents.

Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola voted against the Parents Bill of Rights Act in March 2023, which would have required schools to allow parents to inspect curriculum and library books; to obtain parental consent before letting a child socially transition at school; and to inform parents of violent activity at school.

Aimed at protecting the right of parents to guide their children’s education, the Parents Bill of Rights passed the U.S. House of Representatives on March 24 on a 213-208 party-line vote. Peltola was one of the 208 Democrats who voted against parental transparency in education.

Mitchell wrote that Peltola not only voted against the Parents Bill of Rights, but she also accepted thousands of dollars from far-left groups. Mitchell gave the following information about such donations.

·        "$40,000 from far-left groups’ political arms that support schools socially transitioning kids and giving kids access to sexually explicit library books, like the National Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, and Human Rights Campaign."

·        "$20,000 from the PAC of the far-left National Education Association, which also opposed the Parents Bill of Rights….”

·         "$15,000 from the American Federation of Teachers’ AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education since 2022….”

·         “$6,000 from the Human Rights Campaign Fund. The Human Rights Campaign supports irreversible transgender medical interventions for children and peddles the lie that children are less likely to commit suicide if they transition.”

According to Mitchell, Peltola wrote on X last summer “to urge followers to donate to Identity, which helps children get sterilizing hormone treatments and irreversible transgender surgeries….”

Peltola faces small business owner Nick Begich in November in the Alaska congressional race. According to Begich, “Peltola is on board with the Biden-Harris administration’s plans to push gender ideology into the classroom, ‘forcing teachers to push concepts that are neither rooted in science nor basic logic.”

Mitchell added that Peltola did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Signal, but she told Anchorage Daily News in 2023, “The reason I did not vote for this particular bill, is because I feel like students should have some right to privacy … And I think they should have some right to feel safe at school.”

What happened to the right of parents to know what is being taught to their children at school? Parents have the responsibility to instruct their children, and they will be held accountable to God for what they teach. Schools have no right to infringe on the rights of the parents.

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