Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What Is Project 2025?

Democrats keeping trying to tie former President Donald Trump to Project 2025, a project put together by The Heritage Foundation. President Kevin Roberts of The Heritage Foundation confirmed that Trump was not involved in Project 2025. Nevertheless, the Democrats continue to say that he did. 

Rob Bluey wrote about the Democrat’s lies in his article published at The Daily Signal and made the following points. 

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign publicly admitted two months ago that it was deliberately misleading voters about Project 2025. Now, House Democrats will join the chorus in feigning outrage.

Led by Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the party’s Steering and Policy Committee – which isn’t an official House committee – plans to hold a fake “hearing” Tuesday about Project 2025.

You can expect Democrats to invoke Donald Trump’s name repeatedly and associate it with Project 2025 – even though the former president isn’t involved with the effort and has called it “merely disinformation put out by the Radical Left Democrat Thugs.”

Trump has repeatedly proclaimed that he was not involved in creating Project 2025 and has not even read it. However, Democrats do not let facts dissuade them from lying.

That won’t stop the Democrats who show up for Tuesday’s stunt, starting with their ringleader, Jeffries. According to Bluey, Jeffries told the following lie on the House floor last week: “It’s Project 2025 week because at the end of the day, my extreme MAGA Republican colleagues are determined to jam Trump’s Project 2025 down the throats of the American people.”

Trump is denying any connection to Project 2025, and the Democrats are lying about it. So what is so bad with Project 2025? Bluey explained as follows:

Launched by The Heritage Foundation more than two years ago, Project 2025 has grown to a coalition of more than 110 conservative organizations that developed a transition plan for the next presidential administration. Its work is nonpartisan and available to whomever occupies the White House next year.

Many of its policy recommendations – such as securing the U.S.-Mexico border and unleashing American energy production – are overwhelmingly popular. But its recommendations for reining in the administrative state have triggered the Left to a near meltdown.

For months, The Daily Signal has documented the Left’s lies about Project 2025 and will continue to do so, including for today’s hearing. (You can prepare by reading Evan Maguire’s excellent commentary on the top five falsehoods about the initiative.) But we are hardly alone. In total, news organizations spanning the globe have done more than 60 stories documenting the Democrats’ deceit. 

Since replacing Joe Biden by entering the presidential race in July, Harris and her campaign have falsely attacked Project 2025 and the policies outlined in Heritage’s latest “Mandate for Leadership” effort on nearly a daily basis. Project 2025 featured prominently at the Democratic National Convention last month in Chicago and was a talking point for Harris at the Sept. 10 presidential debate with Trump. Next up, House Democrats will take their turn to mislead and distort.

I have not watched the House hearing, but I expect that it was full of lies about Trump and Project 2025. However, I did read some of the information that is in 2025, and I can understand why Democrats are lying about it. Project 2025 is full of information that would bless the lives of Americans.

The bottom line is that Kamala Harris’ campaign is built upon lies of all kinds. She and her campaign believe that Americans will believe their lies if the lies are repeated often enough. I hope that Americans are honest enough to admit that the past four years have moved America far down the road toward destruction. I hope that they will open their eyes and see things as they really are.

Americans should honestly ask themselves: Am I better off than I was four years ago? America was better under Trump. He is like an open book. Most honest people know that he has better policies and that another Trump administration would be much like his first one. In addition, most honest people would recognize that Kamala Harris is promising to do things after the election that she could be doing right now. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for four more years of the Biden-Harris administration. Really! Are you better off now?


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