Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Who Is the Real Enemy of America?

My VIP for this week is Donald J. Trump, the former president and current presidential candidate who escaped a second assassination attempt in two months. Many people believe that God is protecting Trump because the Secret Service leadership is certainly dithering.

If God is protecting Trump, then who is influencing the people trying to assassinate him? Any sane purpose would agree that Satan is usually the person behind the desire to murder another person. However, people who are loony enough to doubt the existence of Satan would not recognize that he is the spirit behind most murders.

The people responsible for the two assassination attempts are the shooter (Pennsylvania) and the alleged shooter-to-be. However, Democrats – from President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris down – have certainly been calling for Trump’s assassination. Daniel McCarthy discussed Trump, Democrats, and the assassination attempts in his article published at The Daily Signal

If Democrats didn’t believe they’d put former President Donald Trump in an assassin’s crosshairs the first time, they have no excuse for pleading innocent now…. [McCarthy then described the Florida attempted assassin and why he believes Democrats are to blame.]

You can’t lose if your opponent is dead, and if democracy’s in danger, what conclusion does a desperate man of action draw?

Instead of moderating their rhetoric, Trump’s critics only doubled down after the first assassination attempt [on July 13th].

On July 19, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., called Trump “an existential danger to our democracy.”

In the Sept. 10 presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris accused Trump of “attacking the foundations of our democracy.”

Democrats cut Trump no slack for telling his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically” on Jan. 6, 2021, when some of them ran amok and invaded the Capitol. But Trump’s enemies don’t hold themselves to the same standard, when their own apocalyptic language incites a man like Routh to plan political murder.

Democrats have tried since 2016 to identify Trump with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

A man with a gun who wants to stop Putin might well think slaying Trump would save lives if, as Democrats and liberals in the media say, Trump is Putin’s catspaw….

The media have been recklessly uncritical of the incendiary characterizations of Trump that his opponents have trafficked in for years.

Listening to the Democrats or watching MSNBC, a terrified citizen might think the country is on the brink of dictatorship, and if ever there was a time for preemptive violence, it must be now.

Democrats who denounce political violence while leading their supporters to think freedom is finished if Trump wins aren’t just hypocritical – they’re culpable.

Progressives must find ways to argue against Trump without giving ammunition to the paranoid and impulsive.

Trump’s life is already in danger, but think about what happens if he wins.

On election night, what will people convinced Trump is a dictator do?

I agree with McCarthy who calls for Democrats to “lower the temperature” politically. One way to cool things down is for Democrats to stop lying about Trump, Vance, and other Republicans and start discussing policies. The media should be calling Kamala out of hiding and insisting that she talk about her policies. However, I will not hold my breath!

However, I cannot help but wonder why so many people hate Trump so much. As soon as Trump announced that he was running for President of the United States in 2015, the haters started to spew hate. Before he was even inaugurated in 2017, the haters were calling for his impeachment.

The haters cannot base their hate on moral grounds as so many of my friends and family members say. Otherwise, they would condemn Joe Biden for destroying Jill Biden’s first marriage, and they would condemn Kamala Harris for being the mistress of San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. In fact, they would recognize that the current Democrat candidate for POTUS slept her way to where she is, even while taking full advantage of her skin color and sex.

No, there must be another reason for the deep hatred of Donald Trump by the so-called elites like Liz Cheney. The hatred might have something to do with Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” and the arrest of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs. Who knows!

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