Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Does God Reveal Himself to Mankind?

            Articles of Faith 1:9 states one of the foundational beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” Yes, we believe that God can and does speak to men, women, and children today just as He has done for centuries. The two doctrines taught by this Article of Faith are Revelation in the Church and Personal Revelation, Lifelong Discipleship. I gained the following insights as I studied the material this week.

            My first insight concerns revelation to the Church of Jesus Christ through His prophets. The reading material presented an important principle: Even though every person can receive revelation, the Lord reveals His will for the Church through His prophet (Principles of the Gospel). We sustain the First Presidency and the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators, not only to the Church but to the world (Bible Dictionary “Revelation”). The Prophet is the senior member of the leading councils. Several people in the early days of the Church received “revelation” and thought that they could tell Joseph Smith what he should do. The Lord made it plain in two revelations that He spoke through Joseph. In D&C 28:1-7, He told Oliver Cowdery to take the following message to Hyrum Page: Joseph Smith holds the keys of the mysteries and only he receives revelations for the Church. In D&C 43:1-7, the Lord said that revelations and commandments come only through the one appointed by God to receive them. This brings us to how we should respond to the words of the Brethren, and particularly the Prophet. We should follow his counsel as closely as possible, and we will receive blessings for doing so (Gospel Principles). Since the Prophet’s “role is to speak the mind and will of the Lord,” our responsibility is to receive it as though it came from the mouth of Jesus Christ (Religion 324-325 student manual).

            My second insight concerns revelation to individuals. Heavenly Father sends inspiration and revelation to us when He is ready – or when He determines that we are ready to receive it. Revelation usually comes “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little”

(2 Nephi 28:30) and not in one big chunk. The whole concept may take years, so we need to learn to be patient and trust the Lord as well as His timing (True to the Faith). Most revelation comes in gentle thoughts and feelings and not like the First Vision (Joseph Smith-History 1:15-20) or the vision shown to Nephi (1 Nephi 10:17-19). However, we can learn from the experiences of these two prophets. Both studied the words of the prophets, both pondered the information, both sought an answer from the Lord, and both listened to the instructions given.

            My third insight concerns how to receive revelation. Revelation is the way that Heavenly Father communicates with His children (Gospel Topics), and it is the way that He has communicated from the beginning of time and will communicate with them until the end of time. (Doctrines of the Gospel student manual). Personal revelation is the way that He gives us personal help for our individual or family situations (True to the Faith). However, He expects us to study the problem, make a tentative decision, and ask Him if it is the right decision (D&C 9:8). I have found that I can better receive answers to my prayers if I ask questions that He can answer with “yes,” “no,” or “not yet.” I know that the Lord can speak to me and to you in our thoughts and feelings, and I am grateful for this great gift.

            As I reflected on the information that I was studying, I decided to divide the Article of Faith into its three distinct parts. The first part says, “We believe all that God has revealed.” This includes all revelation received from the time of Adam and Eve to the present day. “The principle of gaining knowledge by revelation is the principle of salvation” (Bible Dictionary, “Revelation”). We believe that God has revealed much information to mankind through His prophets and to individuals. “When He reveals His will to the Church, He speaks through His prophet…” (Principles of the Gospel). Some of the revelations that came through prophets to bless mankind include the First Vision, the revelation that the priesthood is available to all worthy male members of the Church and temple blessings are available to all worthy members, and the publication of the proclamation on the family. 

            The second part states, “we believe all that He does now reveal.” We believe that God has spoken to His children since the time of Adam and continued with Moses and Abraham. However, the information revealed to the ancient prophets does not give specific guidance for people who live today. Therefore, God continues to give guidance that helps us today.

            Through the experience of Oliver Cowdery recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 6, we know that God wants us to ask for more knowledge and will give it to us under His conditions. He promises that we will receive the information that we desire if it is right in God’s eyes and if we ask in faith. Doctrine and Covenants 8 tells us that we receive revelation in our minds through the thought process and in our hearts through the feeling process. The Brethren tell us that most inspiration and revelation come in bits and pieces to our minds and hearts – even to prophets and apostles. We believe that individuals can receive revelation for their own lives and for their own stewardships. Recent revelations to the Church include the new program of home-centered Church. Now that the coronavirus has caused the closure of all public meetings and proxy temple experiences, individuals and families are on their own to provide their spiritual feasts. This shows us that the Brethren are steps ahead of what happens in the world and give us counsel to help us survive our trying times. We will be blessed to the extent that we are obedient to the Prophet’s counsel.

            The last part states “we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” Jacob 4:8 tells us that “it is impossible that man should find out all His ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him.” As we move closer to the time that the Savior will return to earth, we are seeing big changes in how the kingdom of God on earth is supposed to work. It was a big change for us when terms “home teaching” and “visiting teaching” were retired and “ministering” was implemented. This change took us as a Church from the level of checking a box as we completed our monthly assignment to truly loving and caring for those to whom we minister. President Russell M. Nelson has instituted numerous other changes, such as the “Come, Follow Me” program, and he promises that there will be much more. He warned us that the April conference would be different than any that we had previously experienced and encouraged us to prepare to receive more revelation. He may not have known at the time about the drastic changes caused by the coronavirus, but he continues to encourage us to study about the Restoration and to read the Book of Mormon.  

            I applied what I learned this week to the topic of same-sex marriage. We believe that Heavenly Father loves all His children and desires that all of us return to His presence. However, He places certain conditions on our return. One of those conditions is that we must be like Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. To help us become like Him, He has revealed His commandments to His prophets. In turn, the prophets have taught them to us. Heavenly Father will not force us to return to Him. In fact, He gave us agency and the opportunity to choose for ourselves where we want to spend eternity. 

            Long before same-gender marriage became the law of the United States and other nations, prophets and apostles were concerned about the direction that the world was heading. They fasted and prayed to learn what the Lord would have them do. Then they studied and discussed the situation and wrote and rewrote drafts. A couple of years later, they published “The Family – A Proclamation to the World” in September 1995. This proclamation states plainly that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God” and that “marriage between man and woman is essential to his eternal plan.”

            This revelation from God came through His prophet and apostles at least ten years before states started to legalize same-sex marriage. It was presented to the women of the Church first, but it is a message to the entire world. It calls upon “responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere” to promote and strengthen marriage and family. It also warns us that “the disintegration of the family” will bring “the calamities [that is a powerful word] foretold by ancient and modern prophets” to “individuals, communities, and nations.” 

            There are many problems and issues in the world that work to destroy marriage and family, such as selfishness, pride, and divorce. However, same-sex marriage strikes at the very foundation of the family. Only a marriage between man and woman can provide the proper environment for rearing a family that is striving to be together for eternity in the presence of God.

            Heavenly Father is concerned about all His children, and He wants each one of us to find joy. He knows what brings true joy to people, and He reveals this knowledge to prophets for the good of the Church of Jesus Christ and for the people of the world. He also reveals His will to individuals to help them in their personal lives. I know that I can receive packets of knowledge directly from God, and I know this same blessing is available to you.

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